Mineral Processing Reagents

Home Home Flotation Reagent
Flotation Reagent

Flotation process is widely used in mineral processing industry. CNLITE froth flotation reagents are widely used in flotation processing plants for different minerals.

We are devoted to increasing benefits to our customers by providing higher mineral recovery or solving other specific needs in the mining process, giving our customers a broad scope to create sustainable, differentiated solutions for a fast-changing world.

Flotation Reagent

Product & Technology Strength

Our application expertise and professional flotation laboratories enable us to develop the perfect reagents for various mineral flotation process, design the optimal application system, monitor product performance, and adjust formulations as conditions change.

Product & Technology Strength Product & Technology Strength

Primary Applications

CNLITE froth flotation reagents are engineered to optimize the following processes:

Key Benefits

CNLITE froth flotation reagents deliver:

Minerals Processed

CNLITE froth flotation reagents are successfully used to the recovery of the following minerals:

Minerals Processed

Method Application

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@2018 Yantai CNLITE Mineral Processing Reagents Co., Ltd.



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